The ASM website (http://asmmag.com) reported that the existing Tsunami Warning Systems in Indonesia has been vandalised. This may have increased the number of deaths caused by the tsunami in October since no warning was sent to the people. However, a report from Australia said that even if the system is working, the result of the Tsunami would have been the same. Still, the disaster compelled the authorities to improve the disaster operational monitoring.
The tsunami caused the death of more than 100 people and displaced about 500 households (BBC).
What happened to the warning system increased issues with regards to monitoring the system on a continuous basis. When these kind of systems are monitored properly, and even if there is a glitch, the operators would be able to track and fix it. The problem in Indonesia was that the warning system, was left unmonitored until the tsunami struck.
Despite the claim of the scientist from the Australia Bureau of Meteorology that it would have not made any difference to the damage even if the warning system was properly monitored, this kind of issues should not be taken for granted. It raises the need for security and improvement.
Monitoring would help in supplying a more accurate and functional system and providing a certain level of security to the people in its area of responsibility.
Asian Surveying and Mapping